Program of the Communication Summitu 2024

O2 universum, Prague


Wednesday - 5 / 6 / 2024


Registration, networking


Part A: Positive vibes

Jan Patera , Partner, Blue Events
Perhaps the biggest mistake of the advertising industry. What to do with it?
Jaroslav Malina
Jaroslav Malina Chief Communication Officer, Publicis Groupe
Tomáš Preněk
Tomáš Preněk Head of Strategy, Publicis Groupe

Perhaps the biggest mistake of the advertising industry. What to do with it?

What will it be about?

Like shooting yourself in the foot. That's what you could call the former separation of creativity from media planning from today's perspective. Did it make sense for agencies and advertisers at the time? And does it work in today's media-fragmented world? On the positive side, even today there are ways to bring truly integrated solutions to brands.

Jaroslav Malina

Jaroslav Malina

Chief Communication Officer, Publicis Groupe

He leads the communications pillar of Publicis Groupe, which includes Leo Burnett, Saatchi & Saatchi and MSL. Prior to that, he worked for 12 years at McCann Prague. During his career in advertising, he has been involved in campaigns for clients such as Fortuna, IKEA, Vodafone, Mastercard, Air Bank, McDonald's and others. He is a member of the AKA Presidium and regularly lectures at UCC.

Tomáš Preněk

Tomáš Preněk

Head of Strategy, Publicis Groupe

Tomáš leads the strategic team at Publicis Groupe, with which he prepares brand strategies for key clients across the group. He has participated in new communication concepts for brands such as Fortuna, Opavia, Walmark, Amundsen and Portu. Prior to joining Publicis, he worked for seven years at the Isobar agency (now part of Dentsu), where he worked on campaigns for ŠKODA Auto, Lenovo, People in Need and other brands, which won awards in ADC, Effie and other Czech and foreign competitions.

Data inspiration: Positive advertising communication and its impact on shopping behavior
Tomáš Hynčica
Tomáš Hynčica Executive Director, NADA Research
Ondřej Veis
Ondřej Veis Executive Director, NADA Research

Data inspiration: Positive advertising communication and its impact on shopping behavior

What will it be about?

How to build effective communication through working with data? How do different consumer groups perceive brand communication? We will explain the impact of positively built communication on a good brand perception and how to set it up. All this is based on a unique analysis from National Data – the most extensive data tool on the Czech market with almost 20,000 respondents. Exclusively for the Communication Summit, you can also look forward to the expansion of the National Data to include other key and current issues related to the concept of positive communication. Who does it help and whom doesn't? Is it a guarantee of the brand's success on the market? Conversely, how can a confrontational way of communication that is transferred to advertising from our everyday lives help success?

Tomáš Hynčica

Tomáš Hynčica

Executive Director, NADA Research

He leads the research agency ResSOLUTION Group, which specializes in marketing and media research. Prior to that, he worked for many years at Nielsen, where, in addition to managing the research department, he co-founded and subsequently led the advertising monitoring business section. Currently, he is also the Managing Director of NADA Research (research/data) and European National Panels (online panel of respondents). He has been working in the field of market research for over 15 years.

Ondřej Veis

Ondřej Veis

Executive Director, NADA Research

He is the director of the NMS research agency, which he founded 25 years ago and gradually built into one of the leading research agencies that now operates in other countries in addition to the Czech Republic. In addition to NADA Research, he is also the Managing Director of the European National Panels. In both companies, he makes good use of his experience in the development of modern research methods and technologies in the digital environment.

How to build a differentiated brand without losing relevance
David Daneš
David Daneš Brand and Marcomm Director, O2 Czech Republic

How to build a differentiated brand without losing relevance

What will it be about?

Find one thing you'll be known for, they said... Repeat this long enough, measure and strengthen. It's going to work, they said... And what if you don't? What if the "North Star" of your brand compass leads you astray? In short, too far from what your customers are really interested in. Managing a brand is not like working with a compass, as the classic said.

In his presentation, David Daneš will show how the technology brand O2 was looking for and found a new brand and communication strategy as well as a visual identity tailored to the target customer. You will learn how to understand them well and what research data helped O2 to achieve this in the best way. And there will also be a few tips on how to withstand brand turbulence in the company with keeping peace of mind.

David Daneš

David Daneš

Brand and Marcomm Director, O2 Czech Republic

For more than 6 years, he has been leading the Marketing Communications and Brand department at O2, where he is responsible for communication strategy and preparation of all ATL and BTL campaigns for households and businesses. Prior to that, he spent years in digital performance marketing and managed the company's communication on social media. He studied sociology, and that is one of the reasons why he swears by research and measurement in marketing.

Why doesn’t media care about your good deeds and can it be changed at all?
Bohuslav Bohuněk
Bohuslav Bohuněk Communications Manager, SCIO

Why doesn’t media care about your good deeds and can it be changed at all?

What will it be about?

CSR, ESG, volunteering, charity, helping those in need... Every company would like to shout to its surroundings how much good and selfless help it has brought to the world. Why doesn't the media care? And is it possible to do good in such a way that people talk about it?

Bohuslav Bohuněk

Bohuslav Bohuněk

Communications Manager, SCIO

He was involved in the founding of several trade media focused on marketing, including the weekly magazine Marketing & Media, which is still published today. With the onset of covid, he left the world of media and since then he takes care of the communication of the educational company SCIO. Ten years ago, he founded the LinkedIn group P.R.ciny, which has become the largest domestic community of PR and media people. On the basis of it, he published the book "P.R.ciny – 100 Myths about PR, Journalists and the Media", which was awarded the "Golden" Lemur. He also became the "PR Personality" of the Year. He teaches public relations at the VŠEM University and regularly lectures at his alma mater VŠE in Prague.

Keynote Speaker
Everyone can understand: How to approach complex topics in a positive way
Daniel Stach
Daniel Stach popularizátor vědy a moderátor, Česká televize

Everyone can understand: How to approach complex topics in a positive way

What will it be about?

"I don't understand it." "That's not for me." This is (quite) what people to whom science popularizer Daniel Stach speaks often say to themselves. They themselves do not believe that they can understand a complex scientific topic, that it will interest them and that it will be useful for them to know something about it. Part of his job is to explain in such a way that people end up saying, "This is interesting!" And what's more: to tell someone else about it. What worked for him? At the Communication Summit, he will use practical examples to show how to communicate so that everyone can understand.

Daniel Stach

Daniel Stach

popularizátor vědy a moderátor, Česká televize

Coffee break


Part B: Sustainable communication

Marek Hlavica , Managing Director, APRA
Are we RESGDY for next year?
Kateřina Hrubešová
Kateřina Hrubešová Executive Director, Asociace komunikačních agentur

Are we RESGDY for next year?

What will it be about?

Sustainability in companies is not just a civic attitude of the owner and employees. It represents legal obligations and business opportunities. Although many of us don't realize it, this year and next will be crucial in terms of ESG, especially for the operation of companies that are suppliers to large companies – and therefore for the entire communications industry. What awaits agencies and their clients and why? What should we do and how? These few words contain not only new business prospects, but above all an overall change in the strategy and functioning of supply chains.

Kateřina Hrubešová

Kateřina Hrubešová

Executive Director, Asociace komunikačních agentur

She has been working in the communications industry for 30 years, with agency, journalistic and marketing experience. For the last 17 years, she has been leading various professional associations, first the Association for Internet Development (SPIR), today the largest communication platform in the Czech Republic – the Association of Communication Agencies. Her enthusiasm for the digital world and its trends is spiced up with healthy realism, which she has gained through many years of managerial experience. Her motto is: technology sucks if you don't have educated people. People are the most.

The lie factory: Manufacturing climate disinformation
Vojtěch Pecka
Vojtěch Pecka analytik klimatýmu, Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky

The lie factory: Manufacturing climate disinformation

What will it be about?

Where does so much conflicting information about climate change come from? Why and how did the originally highly technical topic become the topic of the culture wars and one of the main axes of political cleavage? 

Vojtěch Pecka

Vojtěch Pecka

analytik klimatýmu, Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky

A sociologist and publicist who has long been involved in the sociology of climate change with a focus on disinformation campaigns. His research interests include the history of climate science, monitoring fossil propaganda, the influence of ideologies and geopolitics on climate change reporting. He is the author of the award-winning book "The Lie Factory: Manufacturing Climate Disinformation.

Is body positivity also positive for the brand?
Lenka Jonáková
Lenka Jonáková Dove Marketing Manager, Unilever
Juraj Bolf
Juraj Bolf Personal Care Lead CZSK, Unilever

Is body positivity also positive for the brand?

What will it be about?

This year, Dove's Real Beauty campaign is celebrating 20 years. How has it impacted the brand, the business, and the world? And how does it need to change in the future to be relevant in the age of AI?

Lenka Jonáková

Lenka Jonáková

Dove Marketing Manager, Unilever
Juraj Bolf

Juraj Bolf

Personal Care Lead CZSK, Unilever
The role of eco-design in brand communication
Eliška Novák Knotková
Eliška Novák Knotková founder, Balance is Motion

The role of eco-design in brand communication

What will it be about?

How can brands (not only) benefit from eco-design in terms of communication? From mitigating the impact of the core business to marketing campaigns, events, promotional and giveaways, eco-design helps to find practical solutions and stories that can be told. In addition, it collects the necessary ESG points for companies. We will present specific examples from practice and key findings from the new Green Claims Directive.

Eliška Novák Knotková

Eliška Novák Knotková

founder, Balance is Motion

After studying design, Eliška began her career as a shoe designer for the British brand Bourgeois Boheme. Subsequently, she worked as a materials consultant and lecturer at the matériO' Prague Centre for Innovative Materials. Her doctoral studies at the Institute of Sustainability and Product Ecology at the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague led her to the topic of eco-design. She founded the Balance is Motion studio, which puts eco-design into practice, in 2021.

RICPIC! Presentation competition on the theme "Goodbye to greenwashing"
Pavel Galík
Pavel Galík Strategy & Digital Director, Omnicom Media Group
Martin Klusoň
Martin Klusoň Head of Marketing, skupina Proficio
Vendula Margaretis Rechová
Vendula Margaretis Rechová Brain on Brands

RICPIC! Presentation competition on the theme "Goodbye to greenwashing"

What will it be about?

What will the world of communication look like after the fall of greenwashing, when unsubstantiated green claims and labels have been given a red light in the European Union? And what will our world look like if greenwashing in disguise continues?

Ric Pic is a cult presentation competition for communication professionals. You have seven minutes and a maximum of 20 slides to present the solution to the problem in a clear and engaging way. An audience of 400 will then decide which of the three finalists convinced them the most.

Pavel Galík

Pavel Galík

Strategy & Digital Director, Omnicom Media Group

V rámci 16ti let zkušeností napříč mediálními agenturami je zodpovědný za strategii a digitalizaci napříč holdingem Omnicom Media Group, kam patří agentury PHD, OMD, Hearts & Science. Poslední dobou se věnuje propojování světa marketingu, PR, CSR, a ESG. Je členem dozorčí rady Změny k lepšímu, členem Climate & Sustainable Leaders, aktivně spolupracuje s iniciativou NoGreenwashing a dlouhodobě se snaží hledat cestu, jak zdravě uchopit téma ESG v agenturním světě a médiích.

Martin Klusoň

Martin Klusoň

Head of Marketing, skupina Proficio

Za svou profesní dráhu si užil krásy a strasti korporátů i start-upů, většinu pracovní praxe však zasvětil reklamním agenturám. Je autorem přesně jednoho bestselleru „Prasopolis“ a hrdým otcem syna Jáchyma.

Vendula Margaretis Rechová

Vendula Margaretis Rechová

Brain on Brands

Přesně polovinu svého života se věnuje marketingu. Není tak stará, začala už na gymplu. V průběhu časů postavila základ značky úspěšného startupu Skladon, od píky značku MAPPA Ostrava a Ostrava Expat Centre. Jako konzultant přispívá svými vyžádanými i nevyžádanými radami jak v soukromém sektoru, tak i ve veřejné správě. Plave (docela zkušeně) ve vodách G2C komunikace, a občas i v angličtině, ale i přes to je hrdou nositelkou titulu mini MBA in Brand Management by Mark Ritson. Kolik toho asi stihne říct za 7 minut jako rodilá Ostravačka?




Part C: The best use of AI in marketing and PR

Pavel Hacker , Head of Marketing and Affiliates,
When we can't see the forest for the trees: How to make sure AI doesn't kill your brand
Věra Šídlová
Věra Šídlová Global Creative Thought Leadership Director, Kantar

When we can't see the forest for the trees: How to make sure AI doesn't kill your brand

What will it be about?

What does AI bring to advertising? It will allow you to do things cheaper, faster... But what about quality? Can AI make your ads more creative, or will AI make your brand blend into ad grayness? We will look at examples of the use of AI in creativity from around the world and show you how not to lose the "effectiveness mindset" in the age of revolutionary innovation. We will also present the latest research on the perception of AI opportunities and risks among Czech marketers and PR managers and communication agencies.

Věra Šídlová

Věra Šídlová

Global Creative Thought Leadership Director, Kantar

Věra works in Kantar's global team, where she focuses on how creativity can move brands forward. She likes to look at what can be learned from the most effective creative and how to bring it into everyday marketing practice.

How to better understand and engage with customers with AI and data
Ivo Brýdl
Ivo Brýdl Head of Mobility and Fintech AI,

How to better understand and engage with customers with AI and data

What will it be about?

The key to success in marketing and PR today is the ability to deliver the right content to the right people at the right time. But how to apply this rule in practice? We will present how the intelligent use of geolocation data and advanced language models is revolutionizing targeting and communication with your audience. Using examples from our practice, we will show how to effectively select locations for business, analyze the movement and behavior of customers, and even predict their needs. You will see how you can use AI to map the flow of people and vehicles for optimal planning of outdoor advertising campaigns and how to tailor communication to make it as appealing as possible to your customers. We will also reveal how to use generative AI in the field of communication and what its strengths are.

Ivo Brýdl

Ivo Brýdl

Head of Mobility and Fintech AI,

He leads a team of experts in Big Data and Data Science at O2 within, the Innovation Centre for the Application of Artificial Intelligence. He is engaged in the development of products for the analysis of catchment area, footfall and transport planning, where the use of Big Data and artificial intelligence is becoming a common standard not only in the private but also in the public sector. At the same time, his research team is looking for ways to use residual data from the mobile network to measure traffic flows. What he enjoys about his job is the constant search for new ways to innovate and the opportunity to create new data products that can ultimately help with correct and effective communication in the digital world.

How to put a smile on people's faces thanks to AI?
Marek Řípa
Marek Řípa Senior Brand & Media Manager,

How to put a smile on people's faces thanks to AI?

What will it be about?

After twenty long years, Seznam's dog mascot got a new digital fur coat. What role did AI play in this? Can AI help marketers put smiles on people's faces? Marek will show this and more on the example of last year's brand campaign of the Czech internet leader.

Marek Řípa

Marek Řípa

Senior Brand & Media Manager,

For three years, he has been working in Seznam's marketing department. He is primarily responsible for Seznam's brand as such, but also for offline media planning and overseeing marketing research activities. In doing so, he can capitalize on the experience he gained from his previous work in a media agency.

How AI and the use of data are changing the media market
Michal Hroneš
Michal Hroneš Head of Group Innovations, Newton Media

How AI and the use of data are changing the media market

What will it be about?

Artificial intelligence has been helping in media intelligence for many years. Advanced algorithms have brought revolutionary changes in media monitoring, editorial processes, and executive summaries. However, the media business is facing an even deeper change due to the rapid development of AI. Using case studies, we will present how new technologies can help communication teams in their work and contribute to greater transparency, speed and accuracy in the media industry.

Michal Hroneš

Michal Hroneš

Head of Group Innovations, Newton Media

Michal leads initiatives focused on innovation and technological development across the entire Newton Media Group. His role involves identifying and implementing new technologies and solutions. With an emphasis on collaboration and synergies between offices in different countries, he leads teams to achieve innovations that define the future of the media industry.

Credibility of your campaigns in the age of AI

Credibility of your campaigns in the age of AI

What will it be about?

AI creation is slowly penetrating the media and your advertising activities. How does the law view AI-generated content? Do you have to admit the involvement of AI tools? Is it possible to use deepfakes in marketing? Can media or brands generate images of real people? How do we know? And how does such content behave from a legal point of view? Let's look at it practically, with current examples and in a way that won't let you sleep.

Petra Dolejšová

Petra Dolejšová


She is an attorney-at-law specializing in e-commerce, marketing, personal data protection and brand law. She often and gladly passes on her know-how at trainings, from which she omits paragraphs, instead of which she puts examples from practice and wit. The audience does not want to believe that after her lectures they "want a legal encore".

AKA AI Battle
Richard Axell
Richard Axell Creative Director, TRIAD Advertising Praha
Jan Jelínek
Jan Jelínek Founder & Creative Director, B&T agency

AKA AI Battle

What will it be about?

We will demonstrate the "power of machines" in creating campaigns in real time. The best AI tools for audiovisual creation will compete right in front of your eyes, kept at bay by the most competent. And this time, you, the audience, will give them the brief.

Richard Axell

Richard Axell

Creative Director, TRIAD Advertising Praha
Jan Jelínek

Jan Jelínek

Founder & Creative Director, B&T agency
